Find Out Some Facts Behind The Monavie Drug Hoax


In 1990, the World Health Organisation recommended that everybody must eat minimum five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, in order to protect against cancer and some other diseases. The science behind these claims was based on the point that fruit and veggies have anti-oxidants, which have been known to slow oxidative damage in the body, hence serving as a preventative measure against cancer.

The Maqui may be supplied in a number of ways. If you are lucky enough to be visiting Chile and can purchase a the fresh berry, eat a lot and experience a revelation.

Antioxidants are found in a large variety of fruit and veggies, like carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, peaches, citrus fruits, bananas, cranberries, red grapes, pomegranate, kiwi, watermelon and squash. Actually most brightly colored fruit and veggies! They're also found in fish, chicken, red meats, grains, tea, soy and red wine. Most notably as far as Monavie is concerned, they're found abundantly in the Brazilian acai berry.

In 1990, the World Health Organisation recommended that everybody must eat minimum five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, in order to protect against cancer and some other diseases. The science behind these claims was based on the point that fruit and veggies have anti-oxidants, which have been known to slow oxidative damage.

The acai berry is an extremely perishable fruit, that should be processed within 24 hours of being picked or else it damages. It is found in the Brazilian rainforest, is purple in appearance, and looks like a blueberry in size. It is high in anti-oxidants, proteins, minerals and vitamins, and monavie claim that its health benefits have been proven to the people of the Amazon rainforest for countless centuries.

Have you been wanting to detoxify your liver, kidney, colon, or maybe a full body cleanse? Well, have you heard of the detoxing teas, total body cleanse, whole body cleanse or maybe even the total wellness cleanse?

There has yet to be any definitive scientific proof of the berry's medicinal powers, however.

Nevertheless, monavie juice users rely on the health benefits of consuming the acai berry drink. But the trouble with Monavie is that it often seems to be something of a placebo, or "dummy drug". In a nutshell, those who expect it to work feel better as they believe it's benefiting them, rather than because it's actually benefiting them. Also, those who don't expect the product to work do not feel different because they're already suspicious. The advantages of Monavie, therefore, might be more in the mind than anything else.

The Acai Berry has shown to be a very antioxidant which can be absorbed well for the human body. This can be, perhaps, why study has confirmed that this little berry can do so much for the human body. It will perform starting from battle against ...

But this isn't to say that the product doesn't work. Monavie never refer to the product as a drug, and do not make any claims to have developed a remedy for cancer. These are claims which some Monavie distributors have made behind the company's back, based on wild assumptions that have not been clinically proven. Monavie as a company simply claim to offer users a drink high in anti-oxidants and nutrients that your body needs everyday and it is definitely true that they do this.

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