Reason Why Barack Obama Will Be Re-Elected In 2012


Incumbent presidents always have an edge over their opponents when it comes to general elections. The GOP does not have its house organized as there is no clear forerunner one year to the elections. The Tea Party movement has not helped things because it has alienated the majority of Americans, including moderate conservatives. However, these are not the only reasons why President Barack Obama is likely to be given yet another 4-year term by the American people. President Obama will be the direct Democratic Presidential candiate - he does not need to go through primaries since he is an obligatory president.

Obama has had a number of accomplishments so far, although nothing he does seems to escape the criticism of the GOP. The current house speaker has even declared that The Republicans will do almost everything they can to make him a one term president.

One of Obama’s accomplishments is the winding down of the war in Iraq. There is a criticism that the war has cost Americans billions of dollars, but what The Republicans seem to forget (thankfully not the American public) is that the war was started out under a Republican presidency.

One more of Obama's achievements is that the decrease in the number of American troops on the front line. This is likely to lead to the re-election of Barack Obama because most People in America are sick and tired of the war and its effect on the economic climate and they want the troops to return home. There has been criticism by the GOP that this will probably lead to greater loss of life and the war will not be won, but the American public is behind Obama.

Yet another of the achievements that will result in the re-election of Barack Obama is that he managed to kill Osama Bin Laden. Osama was responsible for the loss of thousands of American lives and his death is bound to improve security both at home and in the Middle East.

Obama was able to push through a medicare method that will help millions of Americans who have pre-existing conditions and who are poor. This was despite a lot of resistance from The Republicans.

Other Obama's triumphs are based on foreign policy. Under President Obama, the Israelis and the Palestinians are on talking terms. Unemployment is increasing fast, but it must be noted that the current financial downturn started in 2008 under the Bush administration. The recently announced job plan which seeks to increase taxes to the trick will lead to the re-election of Barack Obama.

Other Obama's accomplishments are the closing tax credit loopholes and offshore tax havens, the repeal of DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell), the promotion of arts and culture (like higher funding for the NEA or the National Endowment for the Arts), and the cutting of salaries for over 60 bailout executives.

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